Jawa Barat Economy Quarter I-2019 Grows 5.43 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Regency

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Jawa Barat Economy Quarter I-2019 Grows 5.43 Percent

Release Date : January 16, 2020
File Size : 1.47 MB


The economy of Jawa Barat is based on the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on the basis of current prices in quarter I-2019 reached Rp. 509.87 trillion and on the basis of constant 2010 prices reached Rp. 361.52 trillion. Jawa Barat's economy in quarter I-2019 against quarter I-2018 grew 5.43 percent (y-on-y), slowing down compared to the quarter I-2018 achievement of 5.90 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth was achieved by Information and Communication Business Fields of 9.56 percent. In terms of expenditures achieved by the Component of Exports of Goods and Services which grew 8.47 percent.

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