Economic Growth Jawa Barat Quarter II 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Regency

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Economic Growth Jawa Barat Quarter II 2014

Release Date : January 14, 2020
File Size : 0.32 MB


Economy of Jawa Barat, measured by the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices in Quarter II-2014 reached Rp. 299.04 trillion rupiah, while the GDP at constant 2000 prices reached Rp. 101.77 trillion rupiah. Economic growth of Jawa Barat in Quarter II-2014 compared to Quarter I-2014, as measured from the GDP increase at constant prices increased by 2.90 percent (q-to-q). In terms of production, the growth was supported by almost all sectors except Mining and Quarrying Sectors which decreased by 4.29 percent.
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