Farmers Term of Trade in Jawa Barat on Maret 2010 is 97.55 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Regency

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Farmers Term of Trade in Jawa Barat on Maret 2010 is 97.55

Release Date : January 13, 2020
File Size : 0.31 MB


In March 2010, the NTP Joint Province of Jawa Barat recorded 98.56 or increased 0.53% from NTP in February 2010 which was recorded at 98.04. This is due to the increase in the Farmer's Received Index (IT) is higher than the increase in the Index Paid Perket (IB), ie 0.67 percent for the increase in IT and 0.13 percent for IB increase. In April 2010, the NTP Joint Province of Jawa Barat recorded 97.55 or decreased by 1.03 percent from NTP in March 2010 which was recorded at 98.56 This was caused by the decrease of the Accepted Index of farmers (IT) by 0.63 percent, while the Index of Paid Payers (IB) experienced an increase of 0.40 percent over the previous month. Farmer's Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in March 2010 for each sub sector was 113.35 for the NTP-R, 109.43 for the Fisheries Sub-sector (NTP-Pi), 108.71 for the Horticulture Subsector (NTP-H), 100.36 for the sub-sector Livestock (NTP-Pt) and 91.10 for Rice and Palawija Sub-sector (NTP-P).

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