Labor Force Situation in Jawa Barat on August 2010 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Regency

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Labor Force Situation in Jawa Barat on August 2010

Release Date : January 13, 2020
File Size : 0.36 MB


Jawa Barat's labor force in August 2010 amounted to 18.89 million people. The number experienced 87.42 thousand declines from the previous year (August 2009 amounted to 18.98 million people). The number of working population increased by 41.01 thousand in the period of 2009-2010. In August 2010, the working population was 16.94 million people, while the previous year was 16.90 million people. The number of unemployed in Jawa Barat in August 2010 was 1.95 (10.33) million people, while in August 2009 there were 2.08 (10,96) million people. Thus there was a decline in the number of unemployed people by about 0.13 million people or by 0.63 percent during the past one year.
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