Farmer's Term of Trade and Grain Producer Price in Jawa Barat on Desember 2008 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukabumi Regency

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Farmer's Term of Trade and Grain Producer Price in Jawa Barat on Desember 2008

Release Date : January 10, 2020
File Size : 0.36 MB


Farmer's Farmer's Value (NTP) obtained from comparison of farmer's price index to farmer's price index (percentage), is one indicator of relative level of farmer's prosperity. The higher the NTP, the more prosperous the level of life of farmers. Based on the results of monitoring of rural prices in 16 districts in Jawa barat Province, Jawa barat Province NTP in December 2008 increased by 0.90 percent compared to November 2008, from 96.08 to 96.94. NTP Jawa barat in December 2007 was not comparable with the NTP in December 2007 because the calculation used a different base year, the calculation of the NTP in December 2007 using the base year 1993 (1993 = 100) while the calculation of the NTP in December 2008 used the base year 2007 (2007 = 100).
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